
Kesesuaian dengan Subjek Tunggal

Dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris verba harus mengikuti kondisi subjek; kalau subjeknya tunggal maka verba-nya harus tunggal.
Kata-kata yang selalau memerlukan verba tunggal adalah everyone, everybody, something, somebody, someone, anyone, anybody, anything, no one, no body, nothing, each, either, neither yang semuanya disebut sebagai pronomina  indifinitif. Contoh:
Everyone is here
Neither of these books is very old
Every man and every moman is eligible to vote
Each of  the students is clever
It was the dog which awakened me
It is his grades that worry him
Kalau subjeknya tungggal, sekalipun ia disisipi oleh frasa preposisi atau apositif jamak, maka verbanya harus tunggal. Selain itu kata there, here dan where tidak pernah bisa menjadi subjek; untuk itulah ia tidak memengaruhi verba kalimat. Contoh:
The man together with his ten children is leaving soon
The man in addition to his ten children is rich
The man along with his two children is very old
The man as well as his wives is strong
Everyone except him has a pen 
There are no dogs in his neighborhood
Here are the results of the experiments
Kalau subjek kalimat yang dihubungkan dengan and atau both....and...; dipertegas secara kuantitas o leh kata several, many, both, dan few; dan kata yang selalu berbentuk jamak, maka verba kalimat harus jamak. Contoh:
A red Honda and a blue Ford are parked outside
Both tigers and elephants are becoming extinct
Both are going to attend the university of Texas
His pants are still at the celaners
Your thanks are enough for me
Kalau subjek kalimat ditambahi oleh kata hubung gandeng seperti neither...nor...either...or...not only...but also; dilengkapi kata all, none, any, majority, half; verbanya disesuaikan dengan nomina atau kondisi subjek yang terdekat. Ekspresi a number of adalah jamak sedangkan ekspresi the number of adalah tunggal. Untuk memperjelas hal tersebut pelajari contoh berikut:
Neither the students nor the teacher is allowed to smoke
Either the teacher of the students have your books
Not only the nursers but also the doctor is coming soon
All of the book has been fired
All of the books have been fired
All of the money is in bank
A number of students were missing from class
The number of Mexican students in class is small 
Subjek yang menyatakan waktu, uang, bobot atau volume yang biasanya berbentuk jamak harus berverba tunggal; kata-kata tentang akademik seperti mathematic, phisics, economics, statistics, civics; nama penyakit seperti measles, mumps, herps; nomina abstrak seperti news, ethics, politics; judul buku, film, majalah, kendatipun berbentuk jamak kalau ia menjadi subjek maka verbanya harus tunggal. Contoh:
Mathematics is a dificult subject
Two weeks is enough time for a nice vacation
Five hundred dollars is requires as down payment
Ten extra punds is a lot of to lose in a week
Twenty gallon of gasoline costs a lot money
The New York Times is a good newspaper
Kalau subjek kalimat berupa nomina kolektif, dan kata-kata yang tidak mempunyai bentuk jamak secara jelas, maka verbanya harus tunggal atau jamak seperti pada contoh berikut:
The class has its final test on Monday
The class have their final test on Monday
The sepcies is rare
The species is rare
Kalau nomina yang berkaitan dengan kebangsaan dan berakhiran _ese, _ch, _sh, verbanya bisa tunggal atau jamak sesuai dengan maknanya; nomina pinjaman membutuhkan verba tunggal atau jamak. Berikut adalah contoh-contoh kalimat mengenai kedua kaidah.
French is Romance language
English is spoken in England
The French are romantic
Teh English love tea
The algae in the pool are hard remove
The radius of the circle is two inches

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